Case Study- £10,000 compensation for bus passenger MIB Claim

HHD solicitor: Katrina Lagan, Solicitor, specialising in personal injury claims

Settlement: £10,000

What happened: Our client was travelling on a Translink bus which was forced to carry out a violent emergency stop after a third party vehicle failed to stop at a junction and let the bus out.

How HHD solicitors helped: Despite not knowing the identity of the third party driver who was at fault for the accident, we were able to pursue a claim with the Motor Insurers’ Bureau best car accident claims solicitor in Belfastunder the Untraced Driver’s Scheme. Investigations were carried out and a statement was taken from our client. Our client was medically examined and given a total recovery time of 1 year for her injuries. She was subsequently awarded £10,000 in damages.

Our client was delighted to receive the compensation due so promptly after pursuing the claim. If you have had a road traffic accident that has caused you an injury you may be entitled to make a personal injury claim for compensation.  To find out more about how our specialist personal injury lawyers could help you, please email on