Case Study: £15,000 compensation for untraced driver MIB Claim

HHD Solicitor: Eimear O’Donoghue

Settlement: £15,000

Circumstances: Our client was the driver of a stationary vehicle which had just stopped at a roundabout. She was hit from behind and jolted forward. This caused her physical injuries and psychological upset. As the offending driver did not stop, they could not be traced or held accountable.

How HHD solicitors helped: Despite not knowing the identity of the third party driver who was at fault for the accident, we were able to pursue a claim with the Motor Insurers’ Bureau under the Untraced Driver’s Scheme. Our client was medically examined and given a total recovery time of one year in respect of her physical injuries.

After initially having been awarded just £8,300, we appealed and an arbitrator awarded our client £15,000 in damages as was recommended. This figure encompassed compensation for her physical injuries, psychological upset and loss of amenity.

If you have had a road traffic accident that has caused you injury you may be entitled to make a personal injury claim for compensation.  To find out more about how our specialist personal injury lawyers could help you, please email