Case Study – Cyclist caused injury by pothole on road
HHD solicitor: Caroline Dunlop, Partner specialising in personal injury law
Settlement: £5,000
What happened: Our client was cycling along the road when he collided with a pothole which caused him to fall from his bike and onto the ground.
How HHD solicitors helped: We initiated a claim against the public authority with responsibility for maintaining the road surface. Liability was firmly denied. Our client was medically examined and we obtained medical expert evidence to support his injuries. We were successful in obtaining ATE insurance (After the Event insurance) for our client to cover some of his legal costs in preparation for attending court. Our client was subsequently awarded £5,000 in damages.
Our client was delighted to receive the compensation after pursuing the claim. If you have had a cycling accident which was not your fault may be entitled to make a personal injury claim for compensation. To find out more about how our specialist personal injury lawyers could help you, please email on