Case Study – Driver awarded compensation for injuries and private physiotherapy

Driver awarded compensation for injuries and private physiotherapy

HHD solicitor: Fiona Sterritt, partner, specialising in personal injury claims

Settlement: £10,000 plus private physiotherapy charges

What happened: Our client’s vehicle was stationery when he was rear ended by the other driver and pushed across the road up onto the pavement best personal injury solicitors in Belfast

How HHD solicitors helped:  We obtained compensation for our client’s physical injuries and also offered private physiotherapy at a local private clinic to assist him in his medical recovery. This physiotherapy over  several weeks allowed him to get back to his daily activities and return to work.

Our client was delighted to receive the free physiotherapy and get back to work so quickly. If you have been involved in an accident which has caused you an injury you may be entitled to make a personal injury claim for compensation and to obtain free private physiotherapy.  To find out more about how our specialist personal injury lawyers could help you, please email on