HHD supports National Road Victim Month – August 2020

At HHD solicitors we have considerable experience of personal injury claims following horrific and catastrophic road traffic accidents. We have represented clients who have been injured in a life altering way as a result of an accident through no fault of their own. We understand that August marks National Road Victims Month and it is a time for remembering those tragically killed or injured, whilst raising awareness of road safety here in Northern Ireland.

When we wonder why August is Road Victim Month we must remember that this month traditionally sees the highest number of deaths on our roads. Furthermore, the charity Roadpeace hold events during August in memorial to those lost in road crashes.

According to NI Road Safety Partnership, which aims to change attitudes towards speeding, “Excess speed was a contributory factor in one quarter of all fatal collisions in Northern Ireland in 2019. There were:

  • 56 people killed on Northern Ireland’s roads during 2019 which is an increase of 1 compared with 55 recorded in 2018 but 7 less than that of 2017
  • 5,676 injury collisions were recorded in Northern Ireland in 2019 resulting in a total of 8,872 casualties

Based on 2018 collision data, Northern Ireland recorded 29 road deaths per million population compared with 33 in Wales, 27 in England and 29 in Scotland”.

Throughout this month we shall be highlighting our support for victims of road crashes, be it the pedestrian, the cyclist, the taxi passenger, the motorcyclist, the bus passenger or the car driver.

If you have any queries about personal injury claim following a road collision which wasn’t your fault, please get in touch enquiries@hhdsolicitors.com